Multidimensional assessment of psychological and neuropsychological factors associated with psychogenic vertigo/psychiatric dizziness : A case study


  • Sreetama Chatterjee, Bidita Bhattacharya, Aparajita Chakraborty


The concept of 'psychogenic vertigo' also known otherwise as 'psychiatric dizziness' has always been considered as an unclear disorder that makes it both difficult to understand as well as to treat. Consequently in a number of cases it has been difficult to distinguish it from vertigo caused solely due to organic causes, to understand its phenomenology and thus plan an adequate intervention. The present case study reports a case of psychogenic vertigo where the aim was to have a multidimensional assessment of psychological and neuropsychological factors of the case. The neuropsychological test findings indicated difficulty in switching attention and set-shifting along with deficit in planning. Difficulty in both recall as well as in recognition was also noted, which suggested a problem with the encoding and consolidation process itself. Psychological test findings indicated features of introversion, difficulty in
reality testing under stressful situations, somatic preoccupation, negative self-worth. Deficits in planning indicated dysexecution which also suggested the possibility of making the patient vulnerable to adverse life events which was evident in findings suggestive of adjustment problem and difficulty in maintaining close emotional ties. Test findings further indicated anxiety arising out of (conflicts between achievement versus inadequacy, succorance versus
aggression; the defenses which were in use were rationalization, projection, distortion, and
acting out.




How to Cite

Aparajita Chakraborty, S. C. B. B. (2019). Multidimensional assessment of psychological and neuropsychological factors associated with psychogenic vertigo/psychiatric dizziness : A case study. Eastern Journal of Psychiatry, 21(2). Retrieved from

