Kleine - Levine Syndrome (A Rare Case Report)
Kleine–Levin syndrome (KLS) also called sleeping beauty syndrome, is a rare sleep disorder
with onset in early adolescence. Common symptoms are episodes of hyper somnolence,
behavioral and cognitive disturbances (including specific feelings of derealization), hyperphagia
and hypersexuality.The cause is not known and neither there are any definitive management
guidelines. It remains a diagnosis of exclusion after ruling out other psychiatric and neurological
disorders. Our case,a 15 year old boy with duration of illness of 3 years, episodic presented with
hypersomnia,increased appetite, irritability, hyper sexuality and behavior abnormality mainly
fearfulness and suspiciousness. Patient responded well to lithium therapy. The priority of this
report is to add the existing clinical knowledge of psychiatrists, neurologists and physicians.
Keywords : Hyper phagia, Kleine–Levin syndrome, hyper somnolence, Lithium