Female with schizophrenia and troubles of Caregiver
Background: The concept of burden share characteristics with that of social performance, existence of burden indicates the breakdown of the reciprocal arrangements that people maintain in their relationship such that one person is doing more than a fair share. Mental health and related services are still a source of stigma and many times causes imperative issues for the caregivers and patients as well. Â
Aim: To assess the perceived family burden and Depression Anxiety and Stress among the caregivers of married and unmarried female’s with schizophrenia.Â
Methodology: 30 unmarried and 30 married female patients with a major illness were recruited from RINPAS OPD and depression anxiety and stress scale, mental health stigma scale and perceived burden inventory was administered on their caregivers.Â
Result: Result show of the study total burden among caregivers married and unmarried female with schizophrenia (P<.001) and Depression anxiety stress scale also highly significant on caregivers of unmarried than married female with schizophrenia.
Conclusion: This article to examine the burden of primary caregivers of person with schizophrenia among marries and unmarried female.
Keywords: Burden, Caregiver, Female, Schizophrenia