Cognitive Functions in Bipolar Affective Disorder Current Episode Depression
The study focusses on cognitive functions in bipolar affective disorder (BAD) patients currently in depression.The study was conducted on 60 BAD patients current episode depression and 60 normal controls. BAD patient fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria was taken up for the study. Apart from recording their socio-demographic and clinical details, all subjects were rated on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (Hamilton, 1960) and the Young Mania Rating
Scale (Young et al., 1978) and Global assessment of functioning scale (DSM-IV, 1992). Then the appropriate psychological tool was applied for assessing the cognitive functions. Similar procedure was applied for the normal controls, except that General Health Questionnaire-12 was applied in this group. Bipolar affective disorder patients, current episode depression had greater deficits on cognitive functioning than normal controls in all domains except in attention,
concentration and recent memory.
Keywords: cognitive, bipolar, depression.